Metin Çevirileri

Inert Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Is Frequently Refer… Türkçe Çevirisi

İngilizce Metin Inert gas tungsten arc welding is frequently referred to as TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas) welding or as ‘Argon Arc Welding’ although some processes may use helium rather than argon. The arc is struck between a non-consumable tungsten electrode and the part to be welded. The arc creates high temperatures in the weld area […]

Metin Çevirileri

The Problem With The Arc Method Is That The Tip Of… Türkçe Çevirisi

İngilizce Metin The problem with the Arc method is that the tip of the electrode erodes quickly and there is a risk that particles of carbon may enter the weld. This can create hardness in the weld with the attendant risk of surface cracking. Carbon Arc Welding is not recommended for high quality work because […]

Metin Çevirileri

The Arc Is Struck By Bringing The Electrode Tip In… Türkçe Çevirisi

İngilizce Metin The arc is struck by bringing the electrode tip into contact with the work and then lifting it off slightly to strike the arc. Experience is required to judge the correct amount of lift-off to apply, if it is too far, the arc will be lost, if it is too close, you risk […]

Metin Çevirileri

Korozyon, Kalıbı Çevreleyen Dokuların Çözül… İngilizce Çevirisi

Türkçe Metin Korozyon, kalıbı çevreleyen dokuların çözülmesidir ve farklı konsantrasyonlarda deterjanlı veya deterjansız sodyum hidroksit (NaOH) ve potasyum hidroksit (KOH) çözeltileri ile gerçekleştirilir. İngilizce Çevirisi Corrosion is the dissolution of the tissues surrounding the mold and is carried out with different concentrations of detergent or non-detergent solutions of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and potassium hydroxide (KOH).

Metin Çevirileri

In Carbon Arc Welding, The Traditional Torch Used … Türkçe Çevirisi

İngilizce Metin In Carbon Arc Welding, the traditional torch used in gas Welding is replaced by a carbon electrode that is supplied by DC current. The heat is generated by an electrical arc that is struck between the tip of the electrode and the part to be welded. The positive carbon electrode is placed in […]

Metin Çevirileri

There Is The Advantage That The Heat Is Restricted… Türkçe Çevirisi

İngilizce Metin There is the advantage that the heat is restricted to the weld area and this reduces distortion. The first example of this type of welding process was called Carbon Arc Welding. This early process has been largely replaced by Inert Gas Tungsten Arc Welding and Inert Gas Metallic Arc Welding. However, quizmasters tend […]

Metin Çevirileri

Arc Welding Dispenses With The Requirement To Use … Türkçe Çevirisi

İngilizce Metin Arc welding dispenses with the requirement to use highly flammable, and inherently dangerous, gas mixtures to create heat for welding. The heat is generated by an electric arc that is struck between an electrode and the part to be welded. The temperature generated by arc welding is around as 6,000’C as opposed to […]

Metin Çevirileri

No Attempt Should Be Made To Heat Treat Or Correct… Türkçe Çevirisi

İngilizce Metin No attempt should be made to heat treat or correct any distortion using localised heating. You must comply with the heat treatment process specified in the authorised procedure for the task. Türkçe Çevirisi Hiçbir girişimde tedavisinde ısı veya bölgesel ısıtma sistemi kullanarak herhangi bir bozulma doğru yapılmalıdır. Görev için yetkili prosedürde belirtilen ısıl […]

Metin Çevirileri

Austenitic Stainless Steel Has A Particular Proble… Türkçe Çevirisi

İngilizce Metin Austenitic stainless steel has a particular problem called ‘weld decay’ that is caused by the precipitation of chromium carbide around the weld area. It occurs as the steel cools through the range of 900’C to 500’C. Stabilised steels containing a percentage of niobium or titanium do not suffer this problem. Un-stabilised steels have […]

Metin Çevirileri

Nickel Steels Should Be Annealed Prior To Welding…. Türkçe Çevirisi

İngilizce Metin Nickel steels should be annealed prior to welding. Carbon steels will require heat treatment before and after welding. Steels may have to normalised after welding in order to relieve stress. This involves heating the steel up to red heat and letting it cool down slowly in still air. Aluminium alloys may require solution […]

Metin Çevirileri

Tablo I, Her Bir Polimeri, Bileşenlerini, Farklı… İngilizce Çevirisi

Türkçe Metin Tablo I, her bir polimeri, bileşenlerini, farklı konsantrasyonlarını ve kullanımlarını, polimerin önceki hazırlanması için gereken süreyi veya karıştırma süresini, sertleşme süresini ve önerilen enjeksiyon süresini açıklamaktadır. Son sütun, daha iyi sonuçlar için her polimer için önerilen kanal çapına ilişkin bir referans verir. İngilizce Çevirisi Table i describes each polymer, its components, different concentrations […]

Metin Çevirileri

Parts Should Be Scrubbed With Hot, Soapy Water Fol… Türkçe Çevirisi

İngilizce Metin Parts should be scrubbed with hot, Soapy Water followed by immersion in a solution of sodium or potassium dichromate for an hour. Magnesium alloy corrodes easily so the must dried and lacquered to protect it. Türkçe Çevirisi Parçalar sıcak, sabunlu su ile temizlenmeli ve ardından bir saat boyunca bir sodyum veya potasyum dikromat […]